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Healing From Your Past Traumas and Emotional Wounds

Writer's picture: Hafsa KhanHafsa Khan

What is Trauma and How Does it Affect Us?

Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing event that's experienced by an individual. The event can be either a single occurrence or ongoing, and it may be physical or emotional in nature. A traumatic experience can happen to anyone at any age, but children under the age of five are more vulnerable than older children or adults because they don't have the ability to process what they're seeing or hearing in the same way that we do as adults.

Trauma is a natural response to an event that threatens our safety or wellbeing. When we experience trauma, it can lead to feelings of distress and anxiety as well as physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach aches.

Traumatic events include:

Major Traumas

  • Witnessing violence against loved ones

  • Experiencing abuse within your family (e.g., being beaten by your father)

  • Being involved in an accident (e.g., getting hit by a car)

  • Losing someone close to you unexpectedly

Minor Traumas

  • Break ups

  • Being criticised

  • Being teased by peers / classmates

It’s important to note that the impact of a traumatic experience can vary from person to person, regardless of whether it is classified as a major or minor trauma. What may be a minor trauma to one person may be a major trauma to another, and it’s important to seek help and support regardless of the severity of the experience.

Healing from Trauma and Emotional Wounds

Healing from trauma and emotional wounds can be a long, difficult process. It's important to recognise that you need to heal, and that healing doesn't happen overnight. Seeking professional help is an important part of this process; talking with someone who has experience dealing with trauma or other types of mental health issues can be very helpful in understanding your own feelings and experiences, as well as providing tools for moving forward.

Self-care is also crucial during this time--it's easy for survivors of abuse or violence to neglect themselves when they're focused on others' needs instead of their own (or even just trying not to think about what happened). Self-care includes things like eating well, getting enough sleep and exercise every day, taking breaks from work/school/other responsibilities whenever possible so you don't burn out before reaching your goals...anything else that makes you feel better! The more we take care of ourselves now will help us later when dealing with our pasts becomes too much for us alone."

The Benefits of Healing from Trauma and Emotional Wounds

The benefits of healing from trauma and emotional wounds are numerous. As you begin to recover, you may notice that:

  • You're experiencing fewer negative emotions. You'll feel less angry or depressed, and have more energy to enjoy life.

  • Your relationships with others improve as you become more compassionate and understanding toward them--and yourself!

  • Your self-esteem soars as the shame associated with trauma fades away, leaving room for greater acceptance of who you really are at your core (not just at the surface level).

Developing a Healing Mindset

  • Forgive yourself for what happened in the past.

  • Accept that things did happen as they did.

  • Be grateful for all the good things in your life today.

  • Set healthy boundaries with those who may still be holding onto anger towards others from their pasts, or who are unwilling to forgive themselves and move on from their own trauma.

Healing Strategies for Trauma and Emotional Wounds

  • Talking Therapy. This can be done in person or online, and it involves talking about your trauma with a professional therapist.

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). This helps you learn how to change how you think about yourself, other people and the world around you so that negative thoughts don't control your feelings or actions. It also helps with changing behaviours that may be contributing to problems related to the trauma.

  • Mindfulness Meditation: The goal of this practice is not necessarily healing from trauma but rather learning how to live in the present moment without judgment or expectations by focusing on breath and body sensations like warmth or coolness as they arise in each moment without judging them as good/bad but just noticing them as they are without trying change anything about yourself or anyone else around

How to Help Others Who are Healing from Trauma and Emotional Wounds

  • Be supportive.

  • Don't take over their healing process.

  • Refer them to professional therapists and local support groups, if you feel comfortable doing so.

  • Suggest online resources that may be helpful for them, such as the National Center for PTSD or the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA).

The Power of Storytelling in Healing from Trauma and Emotional Wounds

Storytelling is a powerful way to make sense out of what happened, give voice to things that were previously unspeakable and validate feelings such as sadness or loneliness. It also builds confidence by allowing opportunities for practice in talking about difficult experiences.

One of the most important elements of storytelling is that it can help us understand ourselves better by making connections between past events and current feelings or behaviours. By telling our stories we create meaning out of our lives - this allows us to move forward with more clarity than if we have no idea why things happened as they did!

The Importance of Self-Compassion in Healing from Trauma and Emotional Wounds

When you're dealing with trauma and emotional wounds, it can be easy to feel like you are alone in your suffering. But the truth is that there are many people who have experienced similar things and have gone on to heal from them. There are several ways that self-compassion can help you heal from trauma:

  • Be kind to yourself - This means understanding that it's okay if you don't always succeed at being perfect (or even close), or if there are things in your life that aren't exactly how they should be right now. It also means accepting yourself as a whole person--with strengths as well as weaknesses--rather than focusing only on what isn't working right now or comparing yourself unfavourably with others who seem "better off."

  • Understand that everyone has struggles - When we see someone else struggling with something difficult, we tend not only feel compassion but also hope: "If they could get through this difficult time, then maybe so can I." If someone else has faced similar challenges before us and survived them successfully, then maybe our own situation isn't hopeless after all!

How to Find Support During the Healing Process

  • Seek professional help. If you are experiencing trauma and need to talk to someone who can help guide you through the healing process, consider seeking out a therapist. There are many resources available online or in your area that can point you in the right direction of finding a qualified therapist who will be able to meet your needs.

  • Find an online forum or in-person meeting. If you prefer not to work with a therapist directly, there are many support groups available that can still provide guidance and encouragement as well as provide a safe space where others have been through similar experiences. Online forums are also beneficial because they allow people from all over the world access them without having to travel far distances or spend money on plane tickets!

  • Reach out to friends and family who are supportive of your healing journey: Having someone close by who understands what it's like going through these types of things makes life much easier during difficult times like these so make sure everyone knows how much they mean too us before something happens unexpectedly."

The most important thing to remember when you are healing from trauma and emotional wounds is that you are worthy of love and compassion. You must be kind to yourself, because if you aren't then no one else will be either. You deserve happiness, peace and joy in your life just as much as anyone else does. Self-compassion is a skill that can be learned over time by practicing it daily until it becomes second nature. When we practice self-compassion we learn how not only accept but also embrace our feelings without judgment or criticism which allows us to heal faster than if we were constantly beating ourselves up over them! Emotions pass like clouds in the sky - they come and go; sometimes they stay longer than others but eventually they all pass away leaving behind only beautiful memories of what once was instead of being stuck in an endless cycle of pain where nothing ever changes except maybe getting worse each day due to negative thoughts about yourself or others holding onto old wounds rather than letting go so new ones don't form again later down road when least expected..

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